Jesus Who?
(John 1:1-18)
Typology is a way of understanding the Bible that reveals how every story, every event, and every figure points to Jesus Christ. Through typology, we see that Jesus is the fulfillment of everything written in Scripture. This means that Jesus is part of the New Testament and the key to understanding the Old Testament. After His resurrection, Jesus opened the disciples’ eyes to this truth, showing them that He is the true fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan (Luke 24).
In John’s introduction to his gospel (John 1:1-18), he draws from Old Testament concepts and imagery to inform us about who Jesus is—fully God (vv. 1-5) and fully man (vv. 14-18). In fact, to better understand all of John’s writings (1 Gospel, 3 Epistles, and the book of Revelation), one needs to be an informed student of the Old Testament and its images and symbols. In today’s Gospel lesson, John references the “types” of Jesus found in Scripture to reveal a clear and defined portrait of who Jesus is. In today’s lectionary lesson, we highlight a few of these “types” to better understand who Jesus is.
1. Jesus as the Creator (John 1:1-5)
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. But John tells us that Jesus, the Word, was with God in the beginning and was the means through which all things were made. Jesus is not just the Creator; He is the one who brings light into darkness and gives life to everything. His power is the foundation of all creation.
2. Jesus the Better Adam (John 1:10-12)
Just as Adam, the first man, brought sin into the world by rejecting God’s plan, Jesus, the second Adam, brings redemption. Where Adam failed, Jesus succeeds. He perfectly obeys the Father, and through Him, we become children of God. Jesus is fulfilling God’s command to be fruitful and multiply, not with sin, but with salvation.
3. Jesus as the True Son (John 1:14)
When Jesus became flesh, He dwelt among us, showing us the glory of God. This is not just any glory—it is the glory of the unique Son of the Father. Jesus is fully God and fully human. Through His life, He reveals who God truly is. We see God’s grace and truth in Him and are invited into a relationship with Him to know the Father through Jesus.
4. Jesus as the Image of God (John 1:18)
No one has ever seen God, but Jesus, who is in the bosom of the Father, makes Him known. Jesus perfectly reflects the image of God that was distorted in Adam. In Jesus, we see God’s true nature—His love, wisdom, and holiness. Knowing Jesus is the way we come to know God.
Application: How does Jesus being fully God and fully Man impact our lives?
• Jesus is Perfect
Because Jesus is God, everything He does is perfect. We can trust Him completely. He never fails and never wavers in His love for us.
• Jesus is Eternal
Jesus has always existed. There is nothing in our world or lives that surprises Him. We can go to Him for wisdom and guidance because He has seen it all.
• Jesus Can Recreate Us
We all long for a new beginning, for a transformed life. Jesus, as the Creator, has the power to recreate us—to make us new and give us a better life.
• Jesus Has Authority
Jesus is the ruler of heaven and earth. He has the authority over all things, and we are called to submit to His rule. When we do, we experience His peace and the fullness of life.
• Jesus is Our Example
Jesus shows us what it means to live a life that reflects God’s image. Though He was fully human, He lived without sin, and His life is the standard we are to follow. We can trust that He understands our struggles, and He empowers us to live according to His example.
• Jesus is Our Perfect Representative
Jesus stands before the Father as our perfect representative. Because He is sinless, we can confidently approach God, knowing we have the Father’s favor in Jesus.
Personal Reflection:
Is Jesus ruling over your life as God?
Are you trusting Him fully in every area of your life?
Are you following His example in treating others and living out your faith?
The more we understand who Jesus is—fully God and fully man—the more we are drawn into a deeper relationship with Him. Let His glory transform you today.